Monday, October 11, 2010

Here comes the iPad mini, Screen 7''

According to information in the first quarter of 2011, Apple will present 2 new versions of the iPad covering gaps in the current and will be technologically enhanced.

Specifically, a new version is an enhanced version of the current iPad with the new ARM A9 processor and 512MB RAM memory. The second version is said to be the iPad mini 7-inch screen (the screen is the current iPad 9.7 inch)!

On the Apple TV, although Steve Jobs himself has brought occasional complaints about the issue, the device will occur in December and will give users the ability to watch movies in High Definition analysis after the choose between the high Library iTunes.

Hidden hope-wish for all users is a software update that includes the Apple TV so that the holders iPad can see any movie anytime they want.

On the other likely possibility is the new iPad be equipped with front camera, which is the most basic demand-failure device and can not be excluded and white version released as the Steve Jobs had said he was in the company's plans simply not enough time.

You just have to wait several months to see what is true and what is not ...