Monday, February 21, 2011

Cloud Infrastructure Savings Within Reach - Amazon CloudMetrics Benefits

Amazon CloudMetrics and CloudWatch services were just released. We have evaluated them and are impressed. The CloudMetrics is a detailed reporting system, able to track useful information and create graphs that can be useful as interpretations of the status of the applications which are hosted in the Cloud. Select hosting providers make use of such cloud technology to analyze average load in servers and to be able to anticipate spikes.

The CloudMetrics provides metrics and alarms intended for cloud hosting and cloud security applications. These services include:

Metrics - CloudWatch can track different kinds of useful and fun data such as Network In and Out, Disk Read and Write, CPU usage, and many more for the service cloud. This gives you the data to interpret in useful ways. These reports are easy to understand for the average cloud computing services available from various cloud providers.

Alarms - Alarms in cloud platform are useful in taking data from metrics solutions and using this information in a way that supports cloud software applications. The alarms and alerts automatically trigger once a pre-determined threshold has been reached.

To give you an example, you may have already established that each time your CPU usage reaches 60%, it causes problems due to maxed out CPU utilization. In this case, you have the option to setup an email alert that tells you when the CPU utilization hits 60%. In case you do not have a configured auto-scaling, then you can get help in predicting when your server would undergo considerable load which allows you to react in a timely fashion.

There might not be any perfect cloud technology. The one issue with Amazon Cloud Watch relates to its storage of data from only the past 2 weeks. It will be difficult to serve as cloud storage for long-term trends without any external help.

To help in solving this, advanced hosting solution makes use of Cacti, which is capable to pull data from the Amazon Cloud Watch and store it for even up to 2 years. We found that Amazon Cloud Watch becomes useful in cloud management and cloud computing especially in determining your cloud application's needs.

In integrated cloud solutions and cloud infrastructure, the CloudWatch maximizes cloud computing effectiveness for your business. It improves cloud efficiency with the use of Amazon resources thus increasing results which lowers cloud computing costs.
