Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Defeats in the Science and Technology Field in 2010

2010 is a good year for the consumer technology. There are high technology products from high level smartphone, cheap e-reader to the TV network set-top box. And the hot wholesale tablet caused by apple iPad can't be avoided. But we can't turn the failure away while we enjoy the successful example. There were poor test and bad idea in the past year like Google blog Buzz, apple Ping, HP Slate and Microsoft Kin phone.

Google microblog Buzz
The microblog doesn't turn out the way. People found the Google "auto tracking" will reconnect people's old sweetheart and colleagues. And the Gmail user don't want to expose the frequently contact person.

Apple Ping
Google was not the only one which wants to try the social network last year. The greatest disadvantage of the apple Ping is that people can only get the access through iTunes or iOS application software. Do you want to be separated with other network?

Google Wave
The Wave social service function was launched in 2009 on technology. But the message sending and collaboration tool are launched in May of last year. The excitement caused by wave has died out at that time because people don't know what it's used for. And three months later, Google gave up Wave totally.

Net neutrality
First, the American Supreme Court decided the FCC can't stop the network service provider to kill the end to end file sharing. In the following, Google and Verizon come up with their network neutrality version. They stand for giving up the wireless network supervision. It caused the strong counterstrike by regulatory authorities.

Facebook privacy mess
The Facebook is growing steadily. But the privacy mess affected its reputation last year.

McAfee killed the Microsoft wrongly
A poor software of McAfee led to the closing of Windows XP computer in many companies. What's wrong? McAfee software isolated a key system file as a malicious file.

Palm Pre mobile and WebOS
Gartner didn't give a category of Palm Pre WebOS when it concluded the smartphone market share.

HP Slate
Slate tablet should have the Adobe Flash, front and back camera, USB input and removable storage. But the plan changed when HP purchased Palm. Suddenly, Slate grew faint. It turned to the commercial tablet which is not attractive enough.

iPhone 4 antenna
It's undeniable that Apple should take some responsibility on it. has redesigned the searching product for many times in the past. And it decided to give up in November last year and turned to the third research institution.
