Friday, February 18, 2011

Important Considerations When Building Your DVD and CD Library

For business offices, organizations and government entities, managing and maintaining data is an important consideration today. Any number of important things are stored on DVDs and CDs, such as technical manuals, training courses, customer and company information, product catalogs and educational courses. Maintaining a DVD and CD library can be problematic, though. There are a number of threats to your information in a traditional, physical library.

The Threat of User Loss

One of the most common threats is that of user loss of the disk in question. The entire point of maintaining a DVD and CD library is so that your users can have access to the information they need, when they need it. However, any time a disk is taken out of storage, there is the chance that it will be lost. Not only does this waste the money initially paid for the disk, but it forces you to pay for it again. In some instances, the disk might be irreplaceable.

The Threat of User Damage

Most users will not maliciously damage a disk from your library. However, accidents can and do happen. Even a user taking the utmost care with your disks can scratch or damage the disk in other ways. Even something as simple as leaving the disk out without a protective case can put that precious information at risk.

The Threat of Physical Disaster

Lastly, there is always the chance that a physical disaster will damage your disks. Fire, flood, earthquakes and other disasters strike all the time, even in areas where such things are only rare occurrences. If your disks are damaged by these disasters, that information is lost to you.

A Solution to Your needs

There are several ways in which you can safeguard the important information stored in your DVD and CD library. However, the best option might just be to use a data storage solution. A CD/DVD server can back up all the data on your disks to a hard drive, and allow you to store the physical disk at an offsite location.

Another benefit with using a virtual storage solution is that you can ensure that all users have access to the information they need, without having to wait for the disk to become available. That offers greater productivity for your company. Finally, when you do this, you can reduce your costs associated with replacing lost or damaged disks.
