Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Security Cameras On School Buses

We all want to keep our children safe and making sure that they get through their school day safely is a big part of that. Just getting them to school and back safely is a challenge sometimes, with road ways being so busy and the occasional distracted driver this is not a simple task. Having security cameras mounted so that they are easily noticeable is a great way to help make sure that other drivers observe procedures that are designed to ensure safety.

In 2009 a five year old little girl was on the way home from elementary school in Dallas, Texas. She got off the bus at her regular stop on the way to meet her waiting mother and two siblings, when a car swerved around the school bus and another car that had already stopped behind it. When the car sped past the bus which had flashing lights and it's stop signs extended, it struck the kindergarten girl and killed her. Sadly, there have been other incidents like this from all around our country in the past few years.

It's been noted that security cameras often act to deter crime, when people know that they're actions are being recorded they tend to be on their best behavior. This tendency combined with a much higher probability of being caught because of evidence provided by recorded footage, means that security cameras can be extremely beneficial in these cases. School districts across our nation have also realized this and begun to install surveillance cameras both inside and outside some of their school buses. These tragic crimes of haste also have reported at crosswalks and other areas where our children are under the supervision of the school systems. New programs are also under way to get these areas under the ever watchful eye of surveillance cameras.

In several states, these programs are proving to be very effective even if they're still in the trial stages in some areas. In Dallas, where they've already had cameras mounted on the exterior of some of the school buses they've already enjoyed some success. One spokesmen for the Dallas school system said that every bus that is equipped with surveillance cameras has seen at least one violator on each route, sometimes as many as ten. In Missouri, the Liberty Public Schools have been utilizing cameras on their school buses for years now. In the first year of the program there, between a hundred and a hundred and fifty violators were ticketed.

With the lives of our children on the line, it's wrong to not explore ever possible means of keeping them safe. With the help of police departments and school districts, these security cameras should help us see a severe reduction in these types of incidences in the future.
