Monday, February 14, 2011

Simple Steps That Fix Most General Computer Problems

If you are looking for information on how to fix my computer, then you have to get a bit more specific. There are many potential problems computers have. However, of the main ones that people deal with is slow speed. When the PC is going slower than usual, even simple tasks like starting up can turn into an all-day process.

Obviously you cannot just go out and purchase a new PC every time things slow down. Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to improve your computer speed. Here are some of the best.

First of all, get rid of programs you do not need. It really is astounding how many programs most people download off the internet, use just once, and forget. Eliminating anything you are not currently using is often the most important step you can take.

Clean out the temporary online files. Sometimes these files have cookies and sometimes even malware on them that might be preventing them from going as fast as they could be. For this reason, cleaning the files regularly is an important step.

Also, look over other applications to make sure everything on your system is made for your particular operating system (OS). If not, they could be slowing things down. You want to get rid of ever file you are not using, but especially the ones that are not made for your OS.

If the above steps do not work, then get a free registry scanner to check for mistakes on the registry. If it finds them, then you will have to purchase the scanner to actually get rid of the problems. However, if it does find mistakes on the registry, then this step is necessary. The registry of the computer is like the brain of the computer, and it essentially tells the computer how to carry out every task. If things are out of order with the registry, the whole system will slow down, even if everything else is working fine.

Defragmenting the hard drive is another option, and hard drive repair software is something you can use for this. Over the course of time, the hardware often times gets filled with lots of unnecessary files that slow it down. When this occurs, the PC in turn slows down.

The bottom line is, speeding up your computer will take effort. Every PC has a slightly different reason as to why it is going slow, so you will have to experiment with a number of methods until you find out what works. If you have been asking yourself how to fix my computer then use these tips, and you should see results shortly.
