Thursday, February 17, 2011

Why Use a Remote DBA?

Many companies rely upon their computer database for storing all of their company's important electronic files and information. The organization and integrity of the database is oftentimes crucial to the success of the company and, as a result, needs special attention and service.

The company's database is often managed by a database administrator, also called a DBA, who installs, maintains and updates the system. Although some companies have a DBA on the premises, this is a staff position that is becoming less common in modern companies and lean times. Many businesses prefer to outsource the DBA support to a company that provides remote database administration services. This allows a staff payroll position to be reserved for someone that works directly in the company's product or service specialization and can add to administration, fabrication or sales.

A remote database administrator does the same things that an on-site administrator does, but they do not require sick days, vacation time, payroll taxes or a break at the company water cooler. Contracting a remote database administration company to handle all of the technical and logistical issues ensures a specialist will be handling the details.

A company providing remote database administration services should be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the event the client has questions about or issues with the system. The consulting firm should employ certified, trained, professional DBAs that have the time and interest in staying up to date with all of the intricacies of daily operations of the database. This includes the effects of updates, upgrades and firewall changes on the system, not to mention the possible glitches that may be encountered when other computer software or systems are added or upgraded.

Using a remote DBA consulting business which specializes in the company's specific type, such as dBase, MySQL or Oracle database consulting, increases the chances that should any problems be encountered, the company will know how to fix it.

When new versions of database systems are available, the remote DBA specializing in it will know how to set it up and can perform the installation with the least amount of interruption and downtime possible.

Some consultants also use a remote diagnostic system which can alert the DBA firm and/or the client of any hiccups in the system. These also run routine diagnostic tests for preventive maintenance. In the event of a notable problem, the remote DBA can step in and fix a problem before it develops or before it becomes a bigger problem.
