Thursday, February 17, 2011

Canon Rebel Digital Camera - A Review Of Canon SLR Cameras

Canon Rebel digital cameras fall into four basic groups based on intended user and of course price. The first group of moderately priced cameras has all the basic functions, and enough advanced features to keep the average consumer happy. This includes cameras which are around the 10 to 12 megapixel resolution range. These are excellent cameras and will take wonderful photos when used properly. These are in the lowest price range of Canon Rebel bigital camera models.

The second group of cameras is generally in the 12 to 15 megapixel resolution range and is suitable for the semi pro. That is to say someone who does some serious photography, and needs a camera with more advanced features than the first group. These are fine cameras with enough advanced features to satisfy most needs, but not too complicated for the knowledgeable photographer to understand and use fully.The price range of these models is of course higher.

The third group of cameras, in the 15 to 18 megapixel range, is aimed at the serious professional who uses a camera to earn a living. A news photographer, portrait studio professional or similar will find these cameras, with their advanced features, very rewarding to use and capable of the finest work. Again the price range of this more advanced series of cameras takes a bump upward.

The fourth group of Canon Rebel digital cameras is a very high quality advanced line of 18 to 21 megapixel resolution units. These are loaded with every advanced feature which a seasoned professional photographer could want. These cameras are very complicated to use to their full capacity, and definitely not for the average consumer. These units are at the top of the price range, and in the several thousands of dollars bracket.

The price range for each of these groups jumps with the resolution and advanced features provided. The average hobby photographer will do very well with the easier to use cameras in groups one and two. These units are packed with features really, and will do everything that is required by most users. The high end cameras in the upper two groups require plenty of work to learn how to use them, and to take advantage of the multitude of very advanced gadgets which they include.

Most people will never use most of this stuff so it is really a waste of money to spend thousands of dollars to acquire such a camera in most cases. Needless to say the very serious pro will take the time to learn to make full use of such an advanced camera, and will find it worthwhile to buy the very best in order to excel in his work.

In conclusion after reviewing these four groups of Canon Rebel digital cameras we would say that all of them are fine cameras within their intended range of uses. Whether you are an amateur or an ultra serious professional there is a camera in this line which is made just for you.
