Saturday, February 19, 2011

Google Search Redirect Virus - How to Remove This Nasty Infection?

Are you tired of Google search redirecting you to fake websites? Well then you are infected with the 'redirect virus'.

What is a Redirect Virus?

Redirect virus is an annoying virus displayed in the form of Trojan horse on your computer. It is a widespread virus which is quite difficult to remove, if you don't know how to. It attaches itself to thousands of computers daily. What it does is redirects your search results to other fake web pages which you never wanted to visit in the first place.

Who created Redirect Virus?

This virus was created by hackers to redirect users who search on Bing, Yahoo and Google - to sites which they want you to see. This will make them money in free traffic.

How to Remove it?

Anti virus programs can not even detect this nasty infection, let alone remove it. So you need specific software to do this for you. It's not difficult to get a hold of these.

There are many steps which you can take in order to remove this infection from your PC forever and keep it clean. Once you know the methods, it will be very easy to get rid of the virus.


To prevent yourself from such viruses or to avoid visiting redirected pages, you must be careful while searching on Google, Yahoo and Bing. If the results you requested don't appear or websites you open seem fault please close them right away. Also if the URLs you are about to click are too long and have a lot of different characters - then that is a URL you should not open.
