Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pulse Oximeter and iPad 2

There always are ground breaking technologies almost every year, but not all of these technologies always change the way we live our lives. The reasoning for this varies, but it is almost always something that cannot be planned for. We have seen this happen for home computers, portable MP3 players, cellular phones, and even something as simple as a George Forman grill. One such technology that was almost set to fail from the get go was the iPad from Apple. No one really understood why someone would give up their laptop computer for a larger version of an iPod. Over the past few years, this notion has been proven wrong with sales of the iPad reaching the billion dollar mark. Now that the original has been a break through hit, a new version is set to hit the shelves. The new version is expected to handle more add on devices and be more compatible

One such new add on to the new upcoming iPad 2 is a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter, also known as a pulse ox by some medical professionals, is a medical device used to measure the blood oxygen saturation and pulse rate of an individual. This device is just one part of many tools medical professionals need for their daily activities. A new pulse oximeter is smaller than your average cell phone, and clips onto one's fingertip. The device provides its information within seconds. In the past, this information was either written down on the patient's chart or stored within the pulse oximeter, but now with a iPad 2 the data can instantly be transferred to the tablet and immediately combined with any other vital information of the patient.

New iPad 2 devices are already on the production lines, and are set to be released soon enough.

Source: ezinearticles.com