Saturday, April 23, 2011

Android capturing the same data of place as the devices of the IOS from Apple

It seems that Apple is not the only portable telco which had seized of the data of the users without them knowing. Wall Street Journal announced that the smartphones androïdes gather the same kind of data that Apple was recording on their devices of IOS and then loading of information again at Google.

The analyst of transferable securities Samy Kamkar said the site that the HTC telephones androïde that it had employed had obtained the information of place and had sent to the data again at many times of Google per hour, something that the company allows users the opt-out of during the installation. It also transmitted the name, the place, and forces it signal of the networks of Wi-Fi which were close, with the single information of mark of telephones.

It is not the first time that Google was shown data of recording without knowing user, the company had to treat an important scandal of intimacy of Wi-Fi last year when the company said that the confidential information was accidentally captured by the code swindler left in his vehicles of sight of street.

Apple while waiting, was caught recording the position of your devices of iPhone and iPad 3G since the release of IOS 4 in July 2010. They noted that the devices except the position of your device in a hidden file called “consolidated.db” by means of recording the coordinates of latitude-longitude with the addition of a ticket machine.

In spite to be many reports/ratios there declaring that the devices of IOS were data of place of recording even while early like last year, watchdogs of intimacy only just started to require answers of Apple. While waiting, Google chose not to present its observations on the matter.

Update: An additional article on the Web site of The Guardian speaks about how they believe that Apple and Google now use their mobile devices to accumulate the enormous databases for services place-based.