Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Motorola Defy upgraded to Android 2.2

The T-Mobile and Motorola, recently announced the upcoming upgrades Defy, the adoption of Android Froyo 2.2. To new update is available for users of the network of T-Mobile and, as announced-optional, so that it allows users to make their own determination if they wish, manually download and install the next version of Android. As the media file size is approximately 112 MB, the Motorola offers its users to choose to upgrade via a network connection WiFi.

The adoption of Android 2.2, includes several points for improvement and additions of new elements. The update can be found including increasing performance in areas related to management of the device, adding new applications and higher speeds navigation through the installed browser. Also provides support for Adobe Flash Player 10.1, but most allow storage applications not in the phone memory, but on the micro SD card with the appropriate configuration. Will automatically be updated and deployed to the same rules. The device acquires the function of creating hotspot network, which will support up to 5 devices with receiver Wi-Fi.

Updated also the user interface and the levels of protection / security, which have risen significantly, according to the technicians of Motorola, and even added a feature that is different from the search menu dialer. Finally, in the initial screen has been the adaptation of three new windows and got the right to sync contacts with groups of social networks in which the user.

More information about (if and) when it becomes available in our country will be added to this post, when there are newer.