Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Apple: New technology for P2P file transfer

H Apple has recently made ​​in securing a new patent , which describes an interesting P2P technology, which undertakes the task of sharing files and likely to meet sometime in the iPhone or iPad. The patent includes information explaining how, as for example that it uses a unique magnetic compass and a tone coded ultrasonic method to transfer files.

The technology also will allow the user to fast wireless data transfer to PC or other device. An assumption we make here is that you finally allow the wireless sync in iTunes. Finally, to complement that used standard NFC, which begins and is widely used in recent times and America / Europe with the potential to become an established technology, an exchange of information the next few months.

However, thanks to the RIAA, it was found that there is a negative element in the whole thing. This technology is not suitable for the free exchange of files between users with devices iPhone, and payment is required. So we can not yet know exactly, for it can find the full implementation of new technology, or simply do not yet have appropriate explanations.